Bonnie Blair

Bonnie Blair, a speed skater, and five time Olympic gold medalist, was born today in 1964.

Unita Blackwell

Unita Blackwell, an American civil rights activist and the first black woman mayor elected in Mississippi, was born in Lula, Mississippi, today in 1933.

Dana Elaine Owens (Queen Latifah)

Dana Elaine Owens (known professionally by her stage name Queen Latifah) is an American rapper, songwriter, singer, actress, and producer. She was born today in 1970. She has long been considered one of hip-hop's pioneer feminists.

Deeper Dive

We should all dare to question. Dare to question political parties, presidents, local and state officials. This country was founded on the right to ask questions.
— Unita Blackwell

Read more about Unita Blackwell's activism.